From A to Z – the essentials at a glance.

Proper feeding is the basis of your horse's health. To keep your four-legged friend fit, vital, and powerful, different nutrients are necessary. A special role is played by the immune system, which among other things depends on the intestinal environment.

Whether yearlings or seniors or show horses – brewers’ yeast supplement feed is perfectly suited to the different requirements of the animals. Here we have compiled valuable information for you.

Only the best for your horse.

Our horse products:

Your horse deserves the best feed.

100% Brewers’ Yeast
Real brewers’ yeast, really good effect for your horse!

At Leiber, brewers’ yeast is refined using state-of-the-art processes, some of which were developed in-house, and inactivated in the process. Leiber® Brewers’ Yeast is rich in many bioavailable active ingredients and nutrients such as proteins, amino acids, B vitamins, and trace elements. Leiber® Brewers’ Yeast is a "real" brewers’ yeast!

Recommended use
40% brewers’ yeast + 60% fibres
The successful formula for healthy horse nutrition!

LeiberYeaFi® is a unique synergy of inactive brewers’ yeast with high fibre and dietary valuable, functional fibres. Brewers’ yeast is rich in bioavailable active ingredients and nutrients such as proteins, amino acids, B vitamins, minerals, and trace elements.

Recommended use

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working for you worldwide

Only the best for your horse!

That's what enthusiastic horse lovers say.

Your opinion counts here!

What experience have you had with Leiber products? Do you have any questions? How can we help you? We look forward to your message and will respond as quickly as possible.

Simply send us an email to ed.drefp-rebiel@ofni or use the form.