The best for your horse – the essentials at a glance.

Proper feeding is the foundation of your horse's health. To keep your horse fit, vital and powerful, different nutrients are necessary. A special role is played by the immune system, which among other things depends on the intestinal environment.

Whether yearlings or seniors or show horses – brewers’ yeast supplement feed is perfect for the different demands of the animals. Here we have compiled valuable information for you.

Your horse deserves the best feed.

Brewers’ yeast products support the intestinal microbiome and thus make an important contribution to strengthening the intestinal immune system.


Brewers’ yeast products are tried and tested in practice. They support the shedding and improve the coat quality.

Immune system

A scientific study shows: brewers’ yeast beta-glucans stimulate the immune system and can even improve the success of vaccinations.

Sweet itch

Brewers’ yeast products can strengthen the horse’s skin from the inside out and thus support regeneration.


Brewers’ yeast products are rich in nutrients. As a result, they support the breeding condition, insemination success, and reproduction rate.


Brewers’ yeast contains many nutrients and active ingredients important for the skin. In addition, it promotes digestion and thus, among other things, the body’s own production of biotin.


The nutrients and active ingredients of brewers’ yeast have a decisive influence on the hoof horn and contribute to a long-term improvement in hoof quality.


The use of brewers’ yeast is recommended in the literature, among other things, for digestive disorders and damage to the intestinal flora.

Gastric ulcer

Brewers’ yeast products support the digestive system and contain many nutrients and active ingredients that are, among other things, considered as anti-stress factors.


Brewers’ yeast is rich in protein and amino acids and thus has a direct influence on muscle growth.


Brewers’ yeast products have prebiotic and dietary properties, to support digestion and stabilize the intestinal flora.

Broodmares (field report)

The high content of nutrients and active substances promotes body constitution (BCS), digestion, and fertility.

Sport horses

Brewers’ yeast supplies many important nutrients that actively support performance and fitness.


Among other things, brewers’ yeast products help stabilize body weight when work performance increases, support looseness and rideability, and improve coat quality.


Protection from stress begins with intestinal regulation. Brewers’ yeast products support the intestine and intestinal mucosa – as the first protective barrier against infections, among other things.

Liver metabolism

Brewers’ yeast is rich in valuable, bioavailable active agents and nutrients such as amino acids and B vitamins that support the liver.


Brewers’ yeast products provide valuable nutrients and active ingredients for amino acids (lysine, methionine), vitamins (folic acid, niacin, biotin), and trace elements (selenium, copper).

Metabolic disorders

Brewers’ yeast products are suitable for horses with metabolic diseases. They support and stabilize the digestion, the immune system, and the metabolism.


The natural strengthening of the gastrointestinal tract and the high binding activity of brewers’ yeast cell walls (Biolex® MB40) toward mycotoxins and alkaloids can reduce stress.

Fecal water

Brewers’ yeast products strengthen the intestine, promote general digestion, and support intestinal health (Biolex® MB40).

Body weight

Brewers’ yeast products ensure optimal digestion and thus ideal utilisation of the feedstuffs used.


Brewers’ yeast products increase appetite, improve weight gain and have a positive effect on digestion, fecal consistency, coat, and hooves.

Our horse products:

Your horse deserves the best feed.

100% Brewers’ Yeast
Real brewers’ yeast, really good effect for your horse!

At Leiber, brewers’ yeast is refined using state-of-the-art processes, some of which were developed in-house, and inactivated in the process. Leiber® Brewers’ Yeast is rich in many bioavailable active ingredients and nutrients such as proteins, amino acids, B vitamins, and trace elements. Leiber® Brewers’ Yeast is a "real" brewers’ yeast!

Recommended use
40% brewers’ yeast + 60% fibres
The successful formula for healthy horse nutrition!

LeiberYeaFi® is a unique synergy of inactive brewers’ yeast with high fibre and dietary valuable, functional fibres. Brewers’ yeast is rich in bioavailable active ingredients and nutrients such as proteins, amino acids, B vitamins, minerals, and trace elements.

Recommended use

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Leiber Brewers’ Yeast is created

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